
What is “troubleshooting?”

In hardware/software troubleshooting, we cater to your needs. We will admit that since technology is an evergrowing world and that it is constantly changing, we may not be able to perform every troubleshooting task thrown at us. However, we will not charge nearly as much if we fail to perform what is asked.

We will do almost anything. And by almost, I mean we will attempt anything you can think of. Though, we will not perform illegal operations on devices. Rooting and jailbreaking is not technically illegal, but we may charge extra for services such as these, as they are frowned upon.


As what we are working on will greatly vary based on what type of troubleshooting you are asking, paired together with the medium in which we are performing on (mobile, desktop, laptop, application, xbox, etc.), the prices will vary accordingly. However, we promise to make prices reasonable for the technological world, and will provide scopes of work as well as estimates before we perform and create an official invoice.

It must also be noted that we are not a warehouse. For any hardware needs, if parts are needed, they will need to more than likely be ordered. Contact to the client will be made prior to ordering, but this charge will be added to the invoice.

These prices may be altered and more concrete/user-friendly as we become more developed. If you would like additional information, simply use the contact form provided on the Contact Us page.